
The Ultimate Guide To Traveling With Colored Contact Lenses

The Ultimate Guide To Traveling With Colored Contact Lenses

Traveling with colored contact lenses can be an exciting experience, allowing you to change up your look while exploring new destinations. However, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure that your lenses stay clean and comfortable throughout your journey. In this ultimate guide to traveling with colored contact lenses, we’ll cover everything you need to know to have a hassle-free experience on your next adventure.

Pack Wisely

When packing for your trip, be sure to include all the essentials for your contact lens care routine. This includes your contact lens case, contact lens solution, rewetting drops, and a travel-sized bottle of multipurpose solution. It’s also a good idea to pack an extra pair of contact lenses in case of emergencies.

Angelina Jolie wearing green coloured contact lenses.

Choose the Right Lenses

Before traveling, consider investing in daily disposable colored contact lenses. These lenses are convenient for travel because you don’t have to worry about cleaning and storing them each night. Simply dispose of them at the end of the day and use a fresh pair the next day. Daily disposable lenses also eliminate the need to carry bulky bottles of solution, making them perfect for travel.

Keep Your Lenses

Clean Proper hygiene is essential when traveling with colored contact lenses. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses and avoid touching them with dirty fingers. When cleaning your lenses, use only the recommended contact lens solution and avoid using tap water, which can contain harmful bacteria.

Stay Hydrated

Traveling can be dehydrating, especially if you’re flying or spending long hours in air-conditioned environments. Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your eyes hydrated and comfortable. If your eyes feel dry or irritated, use rewetting drops to provide instant relief.

Protect Your Eyes from the Sun

When traveling to sunny destinations, it’s important to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Consider wearing sunglasses with UV protection or colored contact lenses that offer UV blocking properties. This will help prevent damage to your eyes and keep them safe during your adventures.

Follow Airline Regulations

If you’re flying with colored contact lenses, be sure to familiarize yourself with airline regulations regarding liquids and gels. Contact lens solution is considered a liquid, so be sure to pack it in a travel-sized bottle that meets the airline’s size restrictions. You may also want to carry a copy of your contact lens prescription in case you need to purchase more solution during your trip.

Be Mindful of Environmental Factors

When traveling to different climates or environments, be mindful of how they may affect your contact lenses. For example, extreme temperatures or high altitudes can cause your lenses to dry out more quickly. In such cases, be sure to use rewetting drops as needed to keep your eyes comfortable.

Plan Ahead for Emergencies

Lastly, it’s important to have a plan in place for emergencies while traveling with colored contact lenses. Make sure you know how to remove your lenses safely in case of irritation or discomfort. Additionally, carry a spare pair of glasses with you in case you need to switch out your lenses temporarily.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience while wearing colored contact lenses. Whether you’re exploring a new city, lounging on the beach, or hiking through the mountains, colored contact lenses can add an extra element of fun and style to your adventures. So pack your bags, grab your lenses, and get ready to see the world in full color!

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